
– Obsessive precision: an unexpected campaign for one of the largest players in Latam’s health arena

Sabin is the equivalent of Quest Diagnostics in Brazil. Important to say that this service is direct-to-consumer there, meaning the competition is fierce and marketing plays a critical role to bring patients to the lab. 

The brand is known for its uncommon approach to communication, always trying to differentiate itself from the bland campaigns by competitors.

For this campaign we obsessively measured everything around us in a variety of executions: billboards close to bridges, TV and cinema ads, cars’ speed, online banners etc. 

Obsessive precision was a brand platform that allowed us a playful yet unquestionable approach never tried before by companies in the sector. 

Sabin Laboratory 1km 134m 32cm
Obsessive precision.

The exact length of this bridge is 297m 23cm

Maximum clearance 2m 21cm 6mm

The cursor is exactly 357 pixels away from this banner.

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